Thursday, October 31, 2019

Knife crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Knife crime - Essay Example 4. Introduction to the Research Topic (300 words) Knife carrying In this section you should provide some background to the research topic and describe why you consider your research to be important. Knife carrying among American youth is a cause of concern for educators and civic administrators alike. Knife carrying, along with other weapons such as guns, are significant contributors to youth crime in the country. Recent episodes of youth crime and violence in our schools have prompted many school administrators and psychologists to seek explanations for violence committed by students. Even extensive research projects have been undertaken toward identifying risk factors and behaviors associated with knife-carrying by youth. As of now, the relationship between violent acts and knife-carrying is firmly established. Indeed, â€Å"carrying  a weapon has been associated with physical violence), and in and of itself is a high-risk behavior that concerns stakeholders who are trying to ke ep schools safe.† (Malecki & Demaray, 2003, p.172) Moreover, exposure to knife-crime and gun violence profoundly affects the psychology of victims, even if it affects them only indirectly. For example, exposure to violence can desensitize young people to the use of violence as a means to conflict resolution. In the social sphere, carrying knifes and witnessing/participating in crimes can limit an individual’s ability to develop meaningful interpersonal relationships. There is also the danger of physical harm. Equally important is the fact that children who are exposed to violent crimes do poorly in school and hold little hope for a productive and fulfilling future for themselves. Further, such people can instigate the cycle of exposure to violence all over again when it comes to their own children. Hence, the subject of knife-carrying is of great sensitivity and relevance to politicians, parents and educators. Upon its successful resolution lie the prospects for a harmo nious society. (Garbarino,, 2002, p.73) The purpose of this research exercise is to learn more about the issue by studying published literature as well as gathering information through direct research. Upon analyzing the information assembled thus, constructive suggestions can be given to Metropolitan Police Departments, to the youth and to the advertisers, so that our society functions in a more peaceful manner. Special attention is also given to claims of 1.self-defense as the primary motivation behind knife-carrying, 2. the usefulness of stop-n-search operations and 3. the effectiveness of advertisements in curbing this behavior. There is a substantial body of scholarly literature published on the issue of weapon-carrying, although studies focusing exclusively on knife-carrying are few in number. This makes a case for this research project, which is intended to fill that void. 5. Literature Review (800 words) In this section you should discuss what academic research and deb ates have gone on in this area and what conclusions and comments were made by those. Please in this section reference everything and from literature review, (date. Page, year) 1. Find literature review on knife carrying why do youth carry weapon? 2. Find literature review on stop and search 3. Find literature review on advertisement regarding knife carrying At last reference everything you have done research and reference in Harvard Surveying broader literature on the subject, we understand that adolescents in the United States are carrying

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Technology acceptance model (TAM) Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Technology acceptance model (TAM) - Article Example The paper tells that the idea of the technology acceptance model emerged in mid 70’s, when many researchers started paying attention to factors and issues that give explanation or forecast the acceptance of a variety of technologies. Basically, the TAM is referred as one of the descriptive theories having most influenced the models and ideas of human behavior. In addition, the technology acceptance model was exclusively built with the key objective of recognizing the factors and aspects involved in technology acceptance generally; secondly, to look at a wide variety of technology usage behaviors; and lastly, to offer an economical hypothetical descriptive model. Additionally, its roots reach to social psychology and based on the reasoned action model of Fishbein and Ajzen. According to the reasoned action model (RAM), the intention to generate a behavior depends on two fundamental factors: approach toward behavior and individual characteristics. In this scenario, individual ch aracteristics refer to the causes dues to which certain behaviors are produced or not and establish the connection between the final and a predictable outcome, while the approach toward behavior is referred as the optimistic or pessimistic value on which the behavior of individual associates is produced. The TAM is a modified or updated version of the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) to the area of IS. The technology acceptance model represents that the apparent worth and perceived ease of use determining an individual's aim to make use of a system with a goal to serve as an intermediary of actual system usage. In this scenario, the perceived worth is as well seen as being straight influenced through perceived easiness of usage. On the other hand, researchers have shortened the technology acceptance model by eliminating the attitude constructs originated in TRA from the present arrangements. In this scenario, the efforts to expand the technology acceptance model can normally take 1 o f 3 forms: by initiating issues from connected models, by initiating extra or substitute belief aspects, and by investigating the background and moderators of apparent value and apparent simplicity of practice. In view of the fact that both the TAM and TRA are composed of powerful behavioral

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Caring For A Hypovolaemic Shock Patient Nursing Essay

Caring For A Hypovolaemic Shock Patient Nursing Essay Shock is a life threatening condition defined as an acute clinical event precipitated by reduced tissue perfusion caused by reduced circulatory output, failure of the heart to pump effectively and a massive peripheral vasoconstriction .These lead to a point where the circulatory volume is insufficient to meet the oxygen and nutrient requirements of tissues .(Kneale 2003) Quickly identifying the type of shock and ensuring correct aggressive treatment are key to patient survival. Hypovolaemic shock is caused by an inadequate intravascular volume, which can be caused by loss of blood or other body fluids. This type of shock is usually seen after soft tissue trauma, burn injuries, vomiting, diarrhoea or bleeding. (Mower- Wade 2000) It is important for nurses to prevent Hypovolaemic shock by closely monitoring patients who are at risk and restore the fluid lost with adequate fluid replacement therapy before intravascular volume is depleted. Hypovolaemic shock begins to develop after 15% intravascular blood loss. This is known as the compensatory phase. (Muhlberg et al, 2004) This is when symptoms of Hypovolaemic shock will begin to appear. It is vital that the nurse can identify clinical presentation and respond promptly based on good understanding of the physiology of shock as in the compensatory phase, hypovolaemic shock will not manifest in adults making it harder to diagnose. (Kneale, 2003) When nursing a patient with Hypovolaemic shock, psychological care is needed, good verbal communication and information relating to the effects of their injury are essential in providing the appropriate care in their condition as well as supporting the family also. (Kneale, 2003) Preparation of the Emergency Department: John Palmer, a 50 year old man sustained a stab wound to the spleen following an alleged assault in a public house. Ambulance control have advised the Emergency department (ED) that they are now transferring the patient in Hypovolaemic shock to the ED with an estimated time of arrival (ETA) of 20 minutes. The paramedics have informed the ED that they are transferring the patient already in hypovolaemic shock. This gives a clear indication that there has been already a significant amount of blood loss. Hypovolaemic shock begins to develop after 15% intravascular blood loss, equivalent to 750mls and is known as the compensatory phase, this is when the first real symptoms occur. If the compensatory phase is not interrupted, progression of shock results in exhaustion of the compensatory mechanisms and progression to the decompensate phase. Failure to interrupt this progression eventually leads to the irreversible shock phase, leading to organ system failure and death. (Carlson, 2009) The nurse announced a code T over the hospital paging system, signalling the trauma team to assemble. Immediately, emergency personnel, trauma nurses, trauma physicians and anaesthetists, and other specially educated staff gathered in the resuscitation bay awaiting arrival of their patient by ambulance. (Muhlberg et al, 2004) This is where the Nurse Manager assigns jobs to the staff to prepare for the arrival of patient. The resuscitation area should be prepared in the 20 minutes before the patient arrives with double checks on the arrest trolley, airway management sets and intravenous sets as well as a stand for the fluid and blood which will be needed to stabilise the patient as he is in hypovolaemic shock. Also, all the monitors for vital signs must be checked to be in working order as well as the respiratory monitors such as the oxygen and suctioning equipment. These should all be at hand and in working order when the patient arrives. On arrival to the emergency department, the paramedics handed over john had already lost significant amounts of blood due to a laceration to the spleen evidenced by tachycardia, pale skin colour, weak peripheral pulses and delayed capillary refills to all extremities. This evidenced by hypovolaemic shock. (Radcliffe, 1999) Knowing that the spleen is located in the left hypochondrial region of the abdomen and contains up to 350ml of blood which can prove to be a major source of blood loss for the patient, the nurse and physician should be prepared to treat the shock on arrival to the ED. (Ross and Wilson, 2006) Due to the large blood loss and area of laceration, it is more than likely the patient will be hypotensive on arrival to the ED. As the shock develops the patient will also start showing clinical signs and symptoms of respiratory, cardiovascular, renal, neurological problems as well as a deterioration in skin conditions. This is the role of the nurse to assess these vital signs to identify the signs and symptoms of shock. (Edward, 1999) It is the nurse and physicians job to haemodynamically stable the patient before surgical intervention occurs. (Roth, 2005) Assessment, Therapeutics and Support. On arrival to the emergency department, the paramedics handed over john had already lost significant amounts of blood due to a laceration to the spleen evidenced by tachycardia, pale skin colour, weak peripheral pulses and delayed capillary refills to all extremities. This evidenced by hypovolaemic shock. (Radcliffe, 1999) When being assessed within the emergency department, John was connected to a cardiac monitor and pulse oximetry to closely monitor his condition. These assessments must be carried out by the ED nurse upon arrival to the ED. (Muhlberg et al, 2004) Johns vital signs are heart 146, BP: 87/59, respiration rate was 22 per minute and shallow, Spo2: 89% on room air, and temperature 34 degree Celsius. The cardiac monitor showed sinus tachycardia. Warmed blankets were placed on John and he was immediately placed on 15 litre o2 via non re-breather mask. His Spo2 increases to 98%. The blood pressure cuff was place on opposite arm of the pulse oximetry to avoid vasoconstriction as if it was on the same arm it can give inaccurate pulse oximetry readings. (Mower- Wade et al, 2000) Respiratory Assessment and Intervention The initial intervention was aimed at optimizing oxygen delivery to all organs. As John was able to talk to the nurse and answer simple questions about him, this established his airway was patent. 15 litre oxygen therapy was administered through a non-rebreathable mask as prescribed, a mask or nasal cannula could also be used, to optimize ventilation in order to combat insufficient oxygen distribution to the tissues of the body. (Jones.1996). Over use of oxygen therapy can damage the bronchial mucosa and cilia. Humidification of the oxygen was undertaken to prevent secondary problems, such as pneumonia as well as promoting the expectoration of secretions. (Pikingston, 2004) Due to this, the patient will need regular mouth care to keep the mouth moist as the patient will be nil by mouth in case of surgical intervention.(Collins, 2000).Peripheral oxygen saturation was closely monitored using pulse oximetry and the nurse was aware of changes that could indicate hypoxia. Although, this c annot be solely relied on as the patient may have inadequate tissue perfusion and pulse oximetry would not pick up on this. An arterial blood gas was taken, providing information on adequacy of ventilation, oxygen delivery to the tissues and acid base balance. (Bench, 2004) Respiratory rate was closely monitored and recorded by evaluating the depth and pattern. When the rate is increasing, it is a reliant indicator of shock. This is because there will be a build up of lactic acid in the body due to the production of ATP, caused by inadequate delivery of oxygen to the cells. Respiratory rate increases to rid the body of these toxins and also to try increase tissue oxygenation. (Hand, 2001) The respiratory rate, rhythm and depth were monitored, which indicate air hunger, accessory muscle use and tachypnoea. (Newberry, 2002) Cardiovascular Assessment and Intervention. Heart rate was closely monitored as it would increase responding to falling blood pressure. A slight increase in heart rate leading to tachycardia is designed to compensate for initial reductions of blood volume but as the shock progresses heart rate will drop. (Kneale, 2003). The fight or flight response increases the rate and force of the hearts contractions and vasoconstriction. The compensatory mechanism will maintain blood pressure with as much as 1,500 mls of blood or fluid lost. Johns blood pressure was closely monitored although the nurse was aware that it is not a reliable indicator of his condition. Central Venous pressures are required. (Sheppard Wright, 2000) The management of circulation is focused on increasing circulating volume and cardiac output through IV crystalloids, colloids or blood transfusion. Bench (2004:716) states As the aetiology of hypovolaemic shock is related to fluid loss, fluid replacement is clearly the most appropriate form of treatment to instigate Fluids must be prescribed by a physician. It is important the nurse knows the implications of different types of fluids. They also must be competent in administering such fluids and evaluating their effectiveness. In initial fluid resuscitation, two large bore peripheral cannulas were inserted allowing for rapid infusions of blood, drug and fluid. IV cannula care was undertaken as per hospital policy. (Bench, 2004) Pressure bags may also be used for rapid infusion of IV fluids. John was positioned with his legs elevated, trunk flat and his head and shoulders above his chest to optimize effectiveness. John was prescribed by the physician crystalloid fluids, using the normal 3:1 ratio for fluid resuscitation, 200ml of crystalloid for every 100ml of fluid loss. (Graham CA, 2005) A common crystalloid fluid is Ringers lactate or Hartmanns. These fluids are made up of water and electrolytes and work to expand blood volume in presence of blood loss and contain lactate which is a buffer in the presence of metabolic acidosis. Every millilitre of blood lost may require 3ml of crystalloid solution and therefore large amounts of fluid would be needed. Crystalloid replacement therapy is of limited value as it does not have oxygen carrying capabilities, leaving john susceptible to hypoxia, red blood cells would be required. Crystalloids have the advantage of being inexpensive and widely available in the clinical setting with isotonic crystalloid solutions being the mainstay of fluid resuscitation. However, nurses need to be aware of signs of overload such as peripheral and pulmonary oedema. (G upta Nolan, 1994) The fluid should be warmed to prevent hypothermia, which could lead to metabolic acidosis. Johns peripheral temperature went up to 35 degrees Celsius. Core and peripheral temperature observations are required as the loss of blood leads to a lower temperature from reduced circulator heat, with potential for severe blood loss to lead to hypothermia. This is why warmed blankets were placed on john on arrival to the ED. Rapid re-warming is avoided as this risks peripheral vasodilatation, affecting the physiological compensatory mechanism. Instead gradual re-warming and the use of warmed IV fluids when large volumes of fluid replacement are required can reduce further heat loss (Kneale 2003). It was important that Johns body temperature was maintained within normal limits to prevent increasing metabolic demands that his body may have been unable to meet (Smeltzer et al, 2008). Sheppard Wright 2000 suggest that fluid loss up to 1500mls, Hartmanns should be used, after that blood should be added, as mentioned before it does not have the oxygen carrying capacity. Blood provides the necessary haemoglobin to carry oxygen to the tissues. John bloods were taken to be typed and cross matched. In this situation however, immediate transfusions of blood group 0 negative was given as it is a universal donor group while waiting on the blood results. A Blood transfusion was prescribed for John as a full blood count was taken and showed his haemoglobin level to be as low as 8. John was explained to by the ED nurse regarding the risks associated with the transfusion and was made aware of the known adverse side-effects such as infection and allergic reactions. (Hand.2001). If such clinical symptoms became evident the blood transfusion would have been stopped. When administering blood it is important the nurse confirms that the blood was prescribed by a physician. Checks must be carried out of the patients name, date of birth, hospital reference number and the expiry of the blood product with the cross-match form and the prescription chart (Royal Marsden, 2006). This must be checked by two people either another nurse or a physician. Johns observations were assessed every 15minutes, he was monitored for signs of associated reactions such as itching, increased heart rate and pyrexia. (Oldham J et al, 2009) Normal saline was infused also to increase Johns fluid intake. The nurse accurately recorded fluid replacement, which is essential regardless of type of fluid. The nurse constantly observed Johns blood pressure, pulse and respirations for signs of improvement to indicate the fluid resuscitation was working effectively and also observed for fluid induced complications as previously mentioned. Neurological and Pain assessment and Intervention. A neurological assessment was carried out; John scored 11 out of 15 on the Glasgow Coma Scale, which measures level of consciousness. It was observed that John was anxious, restless and agitated. If John became more hypoxic and cerebral perfusion decreased he would become increasingly confused, drowsy, disorientated and eventually unresponsive. The nurse focused on Johns safety and constantly reassured and re-orientated him. His level of consciousness using the Glasgow coma scale was constantly assessed. Although fluid replacement therapy is the main treatment in managing circulation, pharmacological methods may be prescribed to increase cardiac output and myocardial contractibility. Such medications include the administration of dopamine or dobutamine. These must also be prescribed by a physician and the nurse must keep in mind of the 5 Rs when administering such medication. The nurse should always check they have the Right patient, Right time and frequency, Right dose, Right route, and Right drug when administering medication. The nurse monitored John for symptoms of overdose by assessing him for headaches, drowsiness and hypertension. (Muhlberg et al, 2004) Controlling pain was hugely important to help relieve Johns pain and anxiety. John was prescribed morphine via an intravenous line for direct access to blood stream. The nurse monitored for a decrease in respiratory function as well as nausea and vomiting. John was charted and given an anti-emetic to prevent him from losing more fluid. (Bench, 2004). John was assessed and monitored frequently for a response to the analgesic. Renal Assessment and Intervention. While fluid resuscitation was under way, the physician inserted urinary catheter, to assess for other injuries. The nurse continued to monitor vital signs, urine output, Spo2 values, cardiac rhythm and rate and temperature. Johns urinary output is a major indicator of the stage of shock and signs of improvement. Early in shock, the kidneys are affected, renal blood flow is reduced early and so renal perfusion is affected. The glomerular filtration rate is reduced which leads to a reduction in urinary output. The body also retains water to increase circulation. John was catheterised to ensure correct monitoring of urinary output as it is essential in adequately treating shock (Kent, 2001). The management and care of the catheter was carried out as per hospital policy. If shock is in progression, the urinary output would be less than 30ml/hr. This may signify acute renal failure. (Buckley, 1992) The nurse adequately monitored and recorded Johns urine output for signs of reduced output. Skin Integrity The nurse considered the maintenance of Johns skin integrity as it put at risk by poor tissue perfusion, inadequate nutritional intake and immobility. (Bench, 2004) The nurses should change the patients position regularly to assess pressure areas. The stab wound should be treated to prevent infection. Normal saline is the solution of choice used to cleanse and remove any dirt from the wound. (Smeltzer and Bare, 2004) Psychological Support The patients fears and anxieties should be addressed by the nursing staff regardless of the aggression he shows due to the large consumption of alcohol, Smeltzer Bare 2003 explains the holistic approach as caring for the patients body and mind together as one. John needed appropriate psychological support. Most importantly the nurse spoke to John throughout every procedure and gauged how he was feeling. The nurse gave him information on each procedure so he feels a little more in control. It was also ensured that the family was contacted when John arrived to the ED. His sister was kept informed and supported throughout this ordeal. They were encouraged to express their feelings, concerns and worries, They were also involved where possible in decision making and patients care where appropriate.(Buckley,1992) As shock is a life threatening condition, the nurse expected John to feel extremely anxious as there is a link between anxiety and the effects of shock on the neurological status. Medications such as lorazepam were given as prescribed for Johns anxiety and his response was assessed and monitored. He was also prescribed librium due to his large consumption of alcohol at the time of altercation. Librium is an anti-anxiety drug which helps with withdrawal symptoms from alcohol. This will be given when Johns alcohol levels are negative within his blood. Due to the seriousness of the altercation, surgery was inevitable for John to control bleeding. This was explained to John and family, information on the surgery and the preparation details was given briefly by the physician and then re-enforced by the ED nurse. While the Physician organised the surgery and ordered an abdominal ultrasound to assess the laceration, the ED nurse allowed John and his sister to ask questions and express their concerns of same. Reassurance was given by the ED nurse and preparation was underway. Conclusion Shock is defined by critical tissue hypo perfusion. It must be rapidly reversed before organ damage is sustained and irreversible. To provide the best treatment, nurses need to recognize its clinical presentation. The nurse needs to respond appropriately and promptly. It is important to remember that if the management of shock is not addressed, the patient will progress to the irreversible shock phase and eventually death. The nurse must have a good understanding of the physiology of hypovolaemic shock. Airway, breathing and circulation must be stabilized initially and the nurse needs to be competent in recognizing indicators of shock complications Oxygen therapy, fluid resuscitation and pharmacology are key to the patients optimized recovery; the nurse must be competent in the administration of same. The nurse must also be aware of complications associated with the above treatment and be able to competently monitor and record said complications. (Hand, 2001) Effective communication with the patient, relatives and the rest of the multidisciplinary team is vital to ensure that collaborative practice maximises the quality of patient care delivered. (Bench, 2004)

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Death Penalty Essay -- essays research papers fc

Capital Punishment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Murder is the unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice. This country believes killings someone under certain circumstances is acceptable; this should not be the case. Capital punishment, the death penalty, is the maximum sentence used in punishing people who kill another human being. It is one of the most controversial topics in America today. Capital punishment is still murder, simple as that. The death penalty needs to be abolished in all states. There are too many flaws that come with this punishment. Innocent people can be executed, it is morally wrong, and it does not discourage, or deter crime.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  From 1976 to the present, data from The Death Penalty states one hundred and nineteen death row inmates have been found innocent and set free prior to their execution. Also, at least twenty-three people have been executed who did not commit the crime they were accused of. The average number of years between being sentenced and exoneration is 9.2 years. Paying back someone nine years of their life is impossible; let alone telling someone that is already dead, they are innocent and free to go. These numbers are way too high; errors like this should be caught right away. Wasting years of a mans life, or ending it all together is not what America should stand for. Without the death penalty, an innocent man will at least be able to pick up where he left off, and not be wrongfully executed. Mistakes like these do not need to be made. Another big issue with killing an innocent person is the case remains closed forever. If a case is closed the police will not have reason to look for the real killer. When an innocent person is executed, the real killer is still on the streets, ready to kill someone else. Innocence goes both ways. Innocent murder victims and wrongfully convicted people that are sentenced to death are in the same boat. Both of them had their lives stripped from them when they shouldn’t have. Murdering an innocent person is like executing the wrong person. There is no full proof way of making sure innocent people are not put on death row. Therefore there is no reason for the death penalty, in any state.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Any person of any religion can see that the death penalty is morally wrong. There aren’t any religions that pr... ...ot be allowed. Capital punishment is a power that no man or woman deserves to make for another human being. This is taking away the peoples right to live. Capital punishment has no place in today's society. There are too many bad things that can come from the death penalty. Perfectly innocent people can be put on death row, or even executed. It is immoral on so many levels. Also it has never been proven to deter crime. Therefore capital punishment, the death penalty, should be abolished in all states. Innocent or wrongfully convicted people will be able to benefit from this, and stand another chance without the death penalty. Also there is a great chance there will be a decrease in murder rates. Bibliography Works Cited Arguments For & Against the Death Penalty. Death Penalty Curricula for High School. 13 April 2005 . Dieter, Richard. Facts about Deterrence and the Death Penalty. Death Penalty   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Information Center. 12 April 2005 . Mitchell, Hayley, ed. The Death Penalty. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc., 2001. Wekesser, Carol, ed. The Death Penalty: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Press, Inc., 1991.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Plato Report

Does Plato Believe There can ever be a Just Society In answering this question I first need to describe what a just society would consist of. A perfect state can only be lead under perfect conditions. Civil Society would be a better name for this state. A just state would be made up of three parts. First, a state is a structure with parts that work together like an organism. If the parts do not work well together then the whole thing breaks down. It must have virtues, voices, it can be wise and brave. The state must have everyone performing there jobs to their best ability. For a state to be just the people within the state must also be just. A man is just when he has a well ordered soul because then you will do the right thing by performing good and just actions. A soul must be allowed to perform its proper function. In a state you cannot define justice by a man because a man can decay into ugliness. Instead you must define justice based on forms. Plato says that the forms are eternal and ever lasting. What constitutes an unjust society is a lack of knowledge. So ignored to create a just society we must educate people. The society must be well rounded in their education for if they are not they will have problems in society. A society must be fit, participation in athletics, they need to be sensitive to prose poetry, and have knowledge of mathematics and science. Education can not be on specialties, but everything mind, spirit, and body. Having a well rounded education will help people to communicate in all areas. The more you know in many different areas the better over all communication a society has. One of the reason there are inequalities in a society is due to lack of knowledge. Everyone in the society must to some extent be a philosopher because they seek education and knowledge. A just society must also have a just ruler. A just ruler would need to be a philosopher, he would have to offer honest leadership which reflects the will and knowledge of society. A perfect society must have temperance, knowledge, and wisdom. In justices occur because of a lack of knowledge resulting in greed. In order to get rid of injustice everyone in the society must be educated starting at birth. Women and men need to be equally educated in a well rounded fashion in order to promote a just society. In asking if this society could ever work the answer is no. The only way it could work is if all of society is willing to accept knowledge and work hard for education. Even though there is no such thing as a truly unjust society a totally just society will never happen until people are willing to work for it. Another reason there can never be a perfectly just society is because everyone†s perception of just is different. We know that the idea of justice is there, but to explain it to where everyone agrees to the idea would be hard to achieve. However, in trying to find true justice the society becomes stronger and more just. Expressing individuality that benefits or hurts a society however, reflects assertiveness, incentive, thought, and creativity, which strengthens the society. If a society ever got to the point of being just, the society would no longer have greed, drive for a better life, it would not have poverty or wealth. The society would just stop. There would be no more invention, growth, or change. The only change from Plato†s time to ours is technology. We are still searching for the perfect government, the question of who is better than who is still asked, and education is still a major principle to whether or not you are successful.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Environmental Friendly Recommendations For Las Vegas Hotels Essay

Things that are considered to be compliant to environmental friendly regulations are those that take special care and attention to conserve water, energy and practice proper waste management. There are a number of hotels in Las Vegas which participate in â€Å"Green practices†. These practices include towel and sheet reuse programmes, recycling and energy conservation practices like turning lights off when they are not in use, turning TV off when one is not in the room and so on. According to a survey carried out by Green Seal, an organization that is responsible for the certification of a variety of businesses and the result for the survey indicated that in an average 150-room hotel in Las Vegas consumes just about the same amount of power as 100 households hosting four people at a time. It further suggested that some of the reasons why there was such power consumption was because in houses the lights are turned off during the night which is not the case in hotels which use power 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It also presupposed that people on houses are aware of the escalating cost of water and power and thus tended to impose self-monitoring and conservation measures to curb excessive consumption. This was found not to be the case in most hotels because most of the guests don’t worry much about resource conservation while they are in the hotels. Other items that could be reused include soap, shampoo, lotion and food items. While it is easier to reuse these items at home, hotel guests find it hard to reuse these items. This leads to a lot of waste which harm the environment. Then there is also space. While rooms in houses are always built depending on the number of regular inhabitants and are designed in such a way to minimize the wastage of space, hotel rooms are a complete opposite. The rooms built are to fit a large number of inhabitants who may not be regular. This leads to a lot of unused space and coupled with the cost of heating or cooling the rooms, there is a large overhead on power consumption and space utilization. Some of the recommendation to reduce the excessive use of these resources which hotels in Las Vegas can incorporate in their programs include: reusing of towels and sheets. This is because it makes no sense to change sheets and towels everyday for a person since they are still technically clean. The hotels can also try using compact fluorescent light bulbs which use far little amount of power than the normal light bulbs, this will save tremendously on power consumption. Other programs can also be to introduce bulk bathroom amenities which entail use of shared resources like soap and shampoo by all the guests. Then the hotels can also include recycling of waste materials to help also in the environmental programme. In a nutshell, some of the recommendations for the hotel industry includes educating and influencing internal and external stakeholders in the hotel industry to reduce energy consumption and keep track of how much has been gained by the programmes, recycle waste water as well as reduce its usage by introducing programmes like bottled water and so on. Then there they can also minimize waste by recycling some items that can be recycled and reusing others that can be reused. Furthermore, the hotels can implement sustainable procurement practices and also participate in local community environmental activities. References Herczog, M (2005). Frommer’s Las Vegas 2006. New York: John Wiley and Sons. University of Michigan (1970). Water & Wastes Engineering. Michigan: Technical Pub. Co. American Chemical Society (1972). Environmental Science & Technology. Michigan: American Chemical Society.